Special Tournament Hotel Rates

We have teamed up with a local non-profit, Lee County Sports Housing, to offer discounted hotel accommodations for this event.

A team of local reservation specialists will share their knowledge of each property’s amenities; also the best beaches, attractions, shopping, and restaurants. Reservation specialists are available Monday through Friday, 9AM – 5PM Eastern Time by calling 239-541-1800. Discounted rates are only available by calling the above numbers or reserving DIRECTLY through the event’s website link. If you need dates before or after the dates listed, please call 239-541-1800.

 Hotels: https://groups.reservetravel.com/group.aspx?id=72068

please click the link above to view accommodation choices/rates and reserve your lodging.                                           

*Please note, we currently have 6 hotels listed on the link and as more rates come in, we will get them listed as well.